My Method
What is the goal of most Pianists or musicians when starting out?
To be able to play anything they like without the assistance of a teacher; to be independent and free.
Following 14 years of Piano teaching I have developed a system called the:
“Independent Pianists Method”
The three pillars of Piano study that I focus on during almost every lesson are:
1) Technique and Posture
2) Music Theory and Sheet Music
3) Musical Performance
My approach, based on working with over 100 Piano students, can be summarised as:
Give the student the music they want to learn, and sharing information as it comes up.
Based on my experience working with 100+ students I will get you playing lots of fun and easy music that will increase your confidence and help you study and perform at your best.
Every student has unique needs, wants and abilities so I tailor each lesson to adapt to that
My goal is to turn you into an “independent musician” which means you should eventually be able to reach for any music, understand and play it unassisted
For each student I select a customised profile of materials to suit their ability, needs and wants from a collection of materials I have collected over my 14 years of Piano teaching
Do you dream of playing piano effortlessly in front of friends and family?
Do you wish you could play any song with confidence and technical mastery?
Do you want to understand music theory, written sheet music and even get helping writing your own music?
Are you looking for a teacher who will bring out the rockstar in you?
If YES then look no further!
What I offer you:
Using my methods and expertise you will
Learn incredible new skills
Experience the joy of playing piano
Smash all your goals
My Approach
weekly zoom calls, homework assignments, online dashboard, 24/7 whatsapp communication
Features Overview
Feature 1
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